National Strategy for Food Security launched

The National Strategy for Food Security in Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Strategy) was launched today.
The Strategy aims to achieve equitable food security for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities with a focus on addressing the social determinants of health through improved coordination and collaboration across levels of government and with remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The vision is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living on Country and in remote communities are healthy and food secure.
Read the National Strategy for Food Security in Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
The Strategy was developed by the Australian Government in partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled health sector and relevant state and territory governments and aims to ensure remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are shaping the ways to address this important issue.
Partners to the Strategy are committed to working together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to oversee its implementation, guided by the establishment of a governance mechanism. This will include the views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities impacted by food security issues.
Read the media release.