Indigenous Rangers Program Funding Extension Update 2

Grant Round 2021-2028
The Indigenous Rangers 2021 to 2028 Grant Opportunity opened 15 February 2021 and closed 29 March 2021. The NIAA is currently assessing all applications. We will notify organisations of the outcome as soon as possible.
Indigenous Rangers Program Consultations
Thank you to the Indigenous ranger organisations who participated in consultations to inform the Indigenous Rangers Program. Over 92 per cent of ranger organisations participated in the 42 verbal virtual workshops, surveys and one-on-one conversations. Your feedback will be used to guide program improvements over the next seven years.
Recurring themes included:
- Improving training and employment pathways, both into Indigenous ranger jobs and from ranger jobs on to other careers
- Support to build organisational capacity, link with commercial opportunities and foster enterprise development
- Increasing the public profile of Indigenous Rangers
- Improved evaluation, monitoring and reporting methods
In July 2020, an Indigenous Rangers Independent Reference Group (IRIRG) was established to provide oversight of the design and implementation of the consultation process and advise on recommended program reforms emerging from the consultation period. The IRIRG has met four times so far and provided valuable guidance to improve Indigenous Rangers Program outcomes.
NIAA will continue regular communication with Indigenous ranger organisations and the IRIRG as we implement program improvements.
Further updates will be published on a regular basis. For more information contact