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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

Agency FOI Disclosure Logs

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) publishes documents released under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) in our disclosure logs.


Information published in disclosure logs

We are not required to publish information if:

  • it would involve the unreasonable publication of:
  • it is not reasonably practicable to do so.

Any deletions (redactions) over the documents have been made in accordance with the exemptions available under the FOI Act.

Documents are available to download in PDF format. If you are unable to access this format, please contact us at and we will try to provide the document in an alternate format (for example, in Microsoft Word). It is free of charge to access information on our disclosure logs.

We do not remove documents from the disclosure logs, unless there are special circumstances. If you would like, you may request we consider removing a published document. Please contact us at

The NIAA was established on 1 July 2019. Before this date, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) led government policy and programs for First Nations peoples. To access FOI requests made prior to 1 July 2019, please see the PM&C Disclosure Logs.

Return to information about making an FOI request.

FOI reference number FOI request Date of access Documents released Decision
  1. ‘Any document recording an exchange of information between any employee, agent, contractor or representative of NIAA and ORIC since 1 January 2023 concerning any affairs with respect to WWNAC.
  2. Any document recording an exchange of information between any employee, agent, contractor or representative of NIAA and any other Commonwealth agency or department since 1 January 2023 concerning any affairs with respect to WWNAC.
  3. Any document recording an exchange of information between any employee, agent, contractor or representative of NIAA and Mr William O’Chee of Himalaya Consulting since 1 January 2023 concerning any affairs with respect to WWNAC.
  4. Any communication between employees, agents, contractors or representatives of NIAA since 1 January 2023 relating to the affairs of WWNAC – limited to issues relating to any “noncompliance”, “debt recovery”, “fraud”, “breach”. 

Please exclude emails between directors of WWNAC and the NIAA Program Compliance and Fraud Team.’ 

FOI/2324/059 (19.96 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Venue Hire - Meeting facilities: Canberra Labor Club Limited – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4118869. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract.” 

FOI/2425/041 (5.33 MB)
Released in part

“Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council formally request any transcripts or videos that directly relate to ALALC's application for the Indigenous Rangers Program Expansion Round One Grant Opportunity (GO6660). We are seeking only video files or relevant transcripts which involve State/Territory level comparative assessment by NIAA Executives and National level comparative assessment by an expert panel. We would also like to request third parties to be de-identified. For ultimate clarity, this is separate to FOI/2425/032 lodged on 25 November 2024.” 

FOI/2425/042 (1.4 MB)
Released in part

“Any file notes or correspondence (including emails) that directly relate to recommendations, decisions, or outcomes concerning Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council’s application during the following stages: 

C. State/Territory level comparative assessment by NIAA Executives.

D. National level comparative assessment by an expert panel.

  1. We would like all third parties to be deidentified from the FOI request
  2. Exclude information of third parties from the FOI request
  3. The video file (1hr 43 mins long) that has been located to be taken out from the FOI request

Provider reference number: 19759066759 Application ID: 4-JDCQ9DK”

FOI/2425/032 (7.03 MB)
Released in part

“In accordance with my rights under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request the following document or documents prepared by or in the possession of your agency: 

The most recent proposed response or responses provided by the agency to the Minister for her approval in response to Question on Notice 1251 (Portfolio Question Number NIAA320) which was asked by Senator David Pocock on 20 November 2024. To be clear, I am requesting the proposed response prepared by or in the possession of the NIAA, and not the final response approved by or awaiting approval by the Minister.”

FOI/2425/039 (1.25 MB)
Released in full

“This is a freedom of information request concerning grant award GA168422 (reference ID 4-FW0R5BF) to Kalyuku Ninti – Puntuku Ngurra Limited (ABN 73 136 673 893) (KNPNL). The grant is for $27,488,953.24 with a start date of 1 July 2021 and an end date of 30 June 2028. 

[Applicant] seeks the below documents as a party directly affected by the grant. Activities funded by the grant occur on land and waters where [Applicant] holds exclusive native title on behalf of all Martu people over approximately 140,000 square kilometres. Exclusive native title includes the right to control access to and activities by others and the right to make decisions about the land and waters.

The documents requested are: 

• The grant application 

• The grant contract (and any agreed variation/s) 

• Performance, expenditure and/or other reports submitted by KNPNL under the contract”

FOI/2425/018 (18.94 MB)
Released in part

"Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Research Services - Research programs: The Australian National University – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4106324. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract."

FOI/2425/030 (2.35 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Advertising – Advertising: MEDIABRANDS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4106505. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract."

FOI/2425/031 (786.38 KB)
Released in part

“In accord with the Freedom of Information Act 1982, part III- Access to Documents, s11 Right of Access I am lodging this application seeking a copy or copies of the documents, minutes and or records of discussion/ decisions of meetings as the Constitutional Expert Group as created on the 28th of October 2022, both individually and as a group that provided the legal support to the Referendum Working Group as summarized in the Referendum Working Group “Enshrining an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Constitution” second tranche of advice, notably point 4 of that advice headed Other Matters “All members of the Expert Group agree that the draft provision would not affect the sovereignty of any group or body.”

I request access to the documents and or discussions pertaining to the sovereignty of any group or body being unaffected by the referendum.”

FOI/2425/029 (3.73 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Creative, Design and Editorial Services - Photographic or filming or video equipment: Big Dingo Media Pty Ltd – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4108726. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract.”

FOI/2425/034 (4.96 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Advertising Services – Advertising: Mediabrands Australia Pty Ltd – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4100117. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract"

FOI/2425/024 (940.54 KB)
Released in part
  1. All finalised briefs provided to the Minister for Indigenous Australians produced in connection with surveying land recommended for grant under the ALRA from 2018 up to and including the present day.
    1. Please exclude emails and draft briefs
  2. Any internal or external advice held by the NIAA regarding the necessity of surveying land recommended for grant under ALRA from 2018 up to and including the present day


FOI/2425/014 (7.49 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Venue Hire - Meeting or banquet rooms: 233 Victoria Square Hotel Pty Ltd - AusTender Contract Notice: CN4094637. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contact and any variations to the contract."

FOI/2425/021 (5.14 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Venue Hire - Meeting facilities: Compass Group B and I Hospitality Services Pty Ltd - AusTender Contract Notice: CN4097033. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contact and any variations to the contract."

FOI/2425/022 (3.35 MB)
Released in part

“Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Venue Hire - Meeting facilities: The Trustee for Gema Hybrid Discretionary Trust - AusTender Contract Notice: CN4097026. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contact and any variations to the contract."

FOI/2425/023 (4.9 MB)
Released in part


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