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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of deceased people.

Public Interest Certificates

A public interest certificate (PIC) is a written certificate issued by the accountable authority, in accordance with section 22 of the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (the Act).

A PIC will state that it is not in the public interest for a particular procurement process to be suspended while applications for injunctions are being considered, or complaints are being investigated under the Act.

There are currently no PICs issued by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), however they will be published on this page should they be issued.

Methods of notification of the issue of a PIC

In addition to being published on this page, the issuance of a PIC will be notified to suppliers in the following manner:

Notification when using AusTender

Notification will depend on the stage of the Approach to Market (ATM) at which the PIC is issued.

  1. If the PIC is issued before the request documentation is released, a copy of the PIC will be provided with the ATM documentation.
  2. If the PIC is issued while the ATM is open, suppliers will be notified through an ATM addendum that a PIC has been issued. A copy of the PIC will be provided with the addendum.
  3. If the PIC is issued after the ATM has closed, potential suppliers that submitted a response will be notified and issued with a copy of the PIC.

Details of the PIC that has been issued will also be published on the NIAA website.

Notification when not using AusTender

Where an ATM is not required to be published on AusTender (for example, a limited tender) the suppliers will be advised in the same way as the initial ATM that a PIC has been issued, and suppliers will be provided with a copy of the PIC as soon as practicable after the PIC has been issued.



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