Local solutions

Dice Australia delivering technological solutions to sustainable and enterprising communities

This photo is of Raymond Pratt, Owner and Director of Dice Australia. Raymond’s company is leading the way by delivering high quality products construction and renewable energy services to remote communities.

Owner and Director of Dice Australia, Raymond Pratt. His company is leading the way by delivering high quality products and services to remote communities.


Dice Australia is a leading service provider to the construction and renewable energy sectors and provides services across the country – particularly in the Northern Territory.

Dice was established by Raymond Pratt, a proud Arrernte man. He says he was inspired to go into business by his father Len Pratt.

“Dad is also an electrician by trade and started his business Len Pratt Electrical when he was 23. I completed my entire apprenticeship with him,” Raymond says.

Raymond realised that to build his business into a successful company that would be a vehicle to make a positive difference, Dice needed to evolve beyond electrical contracting. With this in mind, Raymond has steered Dice into cutting edge and innovative technologies to provide renewable energy-efficient solutions to homes, businesses and remote communities.

“By working with and teaming up with other industry leaders in their fields of expertise, and continuing to find people and companies that share a similar vision and values, the dream has now become a reality,” Raymond says.

Dice’s collaborative business model allows it to supply high-quality products and services on projects of all sizes and in all regions, from maintenance at Defence bases through to delivering affordable energy solutions to the most remote communities in Australia. Through its collaborative approach, Dice has won a significant number of contracts.

“The Australian Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) has created a new era in entrepreneurship. The IPP has helped to open doors for us to engage with and partner with larger corporate, government and non-government entities. It’s allowed some of our existing customers to be recognised for supporting us as an Indigenous business and this has further encouraged the customers to keep using us and in some cases increase the volume of work we were receiving from them,” Raymond says.

Dice’s vision is to encourage Indigenous business engagement by promoting employment and facilitating business ownership. Where possible Dice chooses to engage, mentor and support local, regional and national Indigenous businesses.