Appendix 5. SROI Filters - general assumptions
1. Deadweight - Deadweight is an estimation of the value that would have been created if the activities from the program did not happen. An outline of the deadweight categories adopted for this analysis is included in Table A5.1.
Category | Assigned deadweight |
1. The outcome would not have occurred without the activity |
0% |
2. The outcome would have occurred but only to a limited extent |
25% |
3. The outcome would have occurred in part anyway |
50% |
4. The outcome would have occurred mostly anyway |
75% |
5. The outcome occurred anyway |
100% |
2. Displacement - Displacement is an assessment of how much of the activity displaced other outcomes. An outline of the displacement categories adopted for this analysis is included in Table A5.2.
Category | Assigned deadweight |
1. The outcome did not displace another outcome |
0% |
2. The outcome displaced another outcome to a limited extent |
25% |
3. The outcome partially displaced another outcome |
50% |
4. The outcome displaced another outcome to a significant extent |
75% |
5. The outcome completely displaced another outcome |
100% |
3. Attribution - Attribution reflects the fact that the investment and core program activity is not wholly responsible for all of the value created. An outline of the attribution categories adopted for this analysis is included in Table A5.3.
Category | Assigned deadweight |
1. The outcome is completely a result of the activity and no other programs or organisations contributed |
0% |
2. Other organisations and people have some minor role to play in generating the outcome |
25% |
3. Other organisations and people have a role to play in generating the outcome to some extent |
50% |
4. Other organisations and people have a significant role to play in generating the outcome |
75% |
5. The outcome is completely a result of other people or organisations |
100% |
4. Duration and Drop-off - Duration refers to how long an outcome lasts for. Drop-off recognises that outcomes may continue to last for many years but in the future may be less, or if the same, will be influenced by other factors. The drop-off rate indicates by what percentage the value of the outcome declines each year. An outline of the drop-off categories adopted for this analysis is included in Table A5.4.
Category | Assigned deadweight |
1. The outcome lasts for the whole period of time assigned to it |
0% |
2. The outcome drops off by 25% per year from year 2 on |
25% |
3. The outcome drops off by 50% per year from year 2 on |
50% |
4. The outcome drops off by 75% per year from year 2 on |
75% |
5. The outcome drops off completely by the end of the time period |
100% |